Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 11

This week I worked on IM2. I chose to watch the movie Milk, which is about Harvey Milk. Harvey fought for gay right in the 1970s. Although this wouldn't be a movie that I would recommend for everyone based on entertainment value, but what an incredible movie about leadership. Harvey was an inredible man who much like other activists, could envision a world that no one else at the time could imagine! He overcame all the obstacles put in front of him and worked diligently toward his goal! AMAZING MAN!!
This week we also completed a group activity. The senario was that we were in a plane crash in the desert and had to decide from a list of 15 items which items would be most important to us. We ranked the items individually, collectively as a group, and then compared them with what experts say. It was interesting to learn that every team member scored better individually than as a team. What does this say about our team? hmmmm..... We aren't establishing who the experts in our group are and utilizing them? We aren't taking each other's ideas seriously? We let others decide what answer we think is best? Well, it could be a combination of all of these things. Being the only group in the class with this outcome, we as a group need to work together more and trust our group members!!